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Spiritual Accompaniment 

sprituality 1

I came to this house wearing my dark cloak-
of powerlessness –
laid it on the ground for all to see
Friends picked it up –
circling the hem they danced with it
tossed it skyward
like a parachute game –
to reveal small shoots of power and hope
growing under wraps.

Jean Barker

Speaking about our faith may feel quite daunting but it can be really helpful. Sometimes it will affirm that we are doing better than we think.  Sometimes it can bring to light that what others have told us might not be the truth we need to live by. All of our Spiritual Companions are trained to listen to your experiences without forming judgements.
Spiritual Acompaniment is sometimes known as Spiritual Direction; when you meet with your Companion you can discuss what kind of conversations will be most helpful.

I discovered a gentle God and the love and acceptance I needed. 
Quotes from our guests


You may choose to meet regularly with one of our trained Spiritual Accompaniers or, if you are visiting as a guest, we can arrange for a conversation during your stay.  Either way, please complete this form and return it to and our Co-ordinating Chaplain will get back to you.

Like the snowdrops – I’m fragile…
Here I met a gentle God – that is all I can take…
Thank you for allowing me to share my innermost fears:
you became a gentle ‘touching place’.

Quotes from our guests

To request Spiritual Accompaniment please complete this form.
To discuss your requirements, in confidence, please email or call 01845 522580.

Planning your Visit