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Who’s Who

A warm welcome to Holy Rood from all Community members:
Picture 70 Sue - COPY   Picture 69 Sibylle - COPY
Revd Sue Hammersley
Executive Director and Community Leader
  Revd Sibylle Batten
Co-ordinating Chaplain
Sue is responsible, alongside the Trustees, for the day to day management of the charity.   As well as overseeing the chaplaincy team, Sibylle is working on grant funding and our theological programme.
As a couple, Sue and Sibylle are guiding the Holy Rood Community to fulfil our objectives as the Place to Turn to for wellbeing, creativity, spirituality and learning.  They are both Licensed priests within the Diocese of York and serve as Spiritual Companions at Holy Rood.
Picture 52 Carolyn - COPY   Picture 100
Carolyn Williamson
Programme Coordinator
  Elaine Hill
Clinical Manager and Safeguarding Lead
Carolyn is most likely to be the voice you hear at the end of the phone and the crafter of the welcoming emails.  She is really easy to talk to so do get in touch.   Elaine oversees all the Counselling and Therapy which takes place on site.  She is our Safeguarding Lead working alongside a small team who ensure that all our work is fully regulated and accountable.
Picture 101   Picture 67 Colette - COPY
Head Gardener and Hospitality
Mike grows vegetables for the dining table, flowers for the bedrooms and house plants which decorate both houses.  He is equally able to cook delicious meals to nurture us.
  Colette brings a smile to the house and ensures that all our rooms are clean and welcoming for our guests.

Helen Warwick- Chaplain, Retreat Leader and Spiritual Companion
Helen leads our Quiet Garden and Wellbeing Days as well as offering Spiritual Accompaniment.  She has a particular focus on chronic fatigue, working with the creative arts and online.

There is more information on Helen on our Wellbeing page.

Urs Mattmann – Psychosynthesis Psychotherapist
Urs brings a wealth of professional experience to this Community as a therapist and Spiritual Accompanier.  His published book 'Coming In' is on sale here. You can also read 'Willing to Love', which Urs contributed to.

There is more information on Urs on our Counselling and Therapy page.

Art Psychotherapy
Please contact our Clinical Manager if you would like to explore art psychotherapy - our new therapist, Katie will be happy to meet you.

Rachel – Community Member on Voluntary Placement
Rachel brings many gifts to the Community, she is often seen in the garden but is also a valued member of our hospitality team and is one of several people who make gifts to sell in the shop.

Emmanuel – Hospitality Team member
Emmanuel often serves morning refreshments but as a trainee in Ikebana, the Japanese art of arranging flowers, he also brings beauty to our shared home. 

Each day we have a chaplain who is available for gentle listening and good company.

Finance Team
We have a committed team working with our finances:
Nick; Nina; Janet; Jim

Dr David McDonald – Chair 
Revd Richard Bradshaw; Canon Wendy Wilby; Dr Jenny Kartoupelis; Mrs Sue Armstrong; Dr Helen Proudley; Mr Charles Forman.

Dr Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury.
Professor Nicola Slee, Professor of Feminist Practical Theology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam and Visiting Professor, University of Chester.

Planning your Visit