
Holy Rood House

Time and Space to discover Who’s Who

We are pleased to have Colette Johnston continuing her work for the Charity of many years, to support the hospitality of Holy Rood House. Colette helps to provide a welcoming, clean and safe space for our guests and staff, knowing how important it is for people to feel ‘at home’ in both houses.

The Revd Sue Hammersley is our Executive Director and Leader of our Intentional Community. Sue brings vast experience of living in communities and parish work in the Church of England. Sue’s pastoral care and wisdom, dedication to the well-being of our guests and all living and working in the community, enriches the spiritual life and ecumenical work of the Charity.

The Revd Sibylle Batten is our Co-ordinating Chaplain, which covers many varied areas of community life. Sibylle is very experienced in a variety of areas of the civil service and the voluntary sector as well as parish life in the Church of England.  Sibylle’s commitment to the spiritual and theological ethos of Holy Rood House, helps the community to take the vision forward.

Dr David McDonald is Chair of our Board of Trustees.  Having worked with us since the commencement of Holy Rood House, David brings vast experience, in particular, from his work as a Consultant Psychiatrist to the Oxford Mental Health and to The Home Office.

Carolyn Williamson lives in community and is our Community Programme Manager. Most people will be speaking to Carolyn on the phone or through email as the first point of contact, and she is likely to be the one who will book people in to stay at Holy Rood House. Among the many gifts she brings is the care and organisation of groups.

Helen Warwick has been a community member here for several years. Helen is part of the Chaplain’s Team and is a published spiritual writer. Among her many areas of ministry here, Helen works as a Spiritual Director using creativity at the heart of her work including creative writing. Her published books can be seen by clicking here and ordered through the net and in bookshops.

Emmanuel Grassi shares in the daily life of the community as a voluntary pastoral worker and part of the hospitality team. Emmanuel brings vast experience of pastoral care and social work. He is also trained in Ikebana, Japanese flower arranging, and is often busy helping around the house, kitchen and gardens.

Urs Mattmann enriches our Counselling and Psychotherapy Service and is a dedicated community member. Urs is a Psycho-synthesis Psychotherapist, spiritual director, supervisor and trainer. Working with us daily, Urs is able to provide professional, systematic therapeutic support and spiritual accompaniment for our guests and clients.

Mike Hall lives in community as a trained gardener and masseur.  He brings much needed gifts in addition to his many other creative and pastoral skills.

Elaine Hill is our Clinical Manager, and brings vast experience of therapeutic work, and previous involvement in the charity.  She leads The Clinical Management Team.

The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Baron Williams of Oystermouth has been a consultant to the Trust since 1993, and became Patron during his time as Archbishop of Canterbury, supporting and visiting the community on several occasions.

Nicola Slee is our Patron.  Nicola is a Professor of Feminist Practical Theology at the Vrije Universiteit and visiting Professor at the University of Chester.  She is an experienced speaker, writer, spiritual director and retreat leader.