
Holy Rood House

Time and space for us to learn together

face2face is an educational project working to combat sexual abuse within the churches and on behalf of the churches.

face2face was launched in 2005 under the auspices of The Centre for the Study of Theology and Health, part of the ministry of  Holy Rood House Centre for Health and Pastoral Care.

face2face was sponsored for the first three years by the Epworth Fund.

face2face is working in collaboration with Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.

face2face aims to:

· Support survivors of sexual abuse and listen attentively to the issues such experiences raise for the churches

· Develop research, conference and publication opportunities for those involved in combating sexual abuse within  the churches

· Provide training for clergy,  leaders and lay people on the issues pertaining to sexual abuse

· Network with other organisations and educational establishments to encourage best practice in combating sexual abuse.

Face2face provides a library of relevant source materials, books and journals  - and website information.

face2face hosts at least one conference per year on subjects related to survivors and encourages a network of people to share research interests.

Face2face contributes to enhanced awareness of survivor issues through writing, providing safe space and advocacy. We work closely with survivor groups to increase understanding within faith communities, to highlight  areas of risk and to encourage good practice.

A team of trained counsellors work together to provide a special place where all kinds of people of all ages and backgrounds can explore and discover ways of living.

Face2face works within the gentle Christian ethos of reflection, exploration and discovery, working towards justice in the areas relating to sexual abuse.

Click here to download Lent Conversations, a handbook based on gospel passages intending to facilitate reflection and discussion between abuse survivors.

For further information on the work of face2face please email: enquiries@holyroodhouse.org.uk