
Holy Rood House

Time and Space for Professional Counselling

Let Us Help!

There are many reasons why someone may seek help through counselling. You may be worried, anxious, depressed, bereaved, have hurts from the past, low self esteem, have relationship difficulties. You may be advised by someone to come to us for help or simply have no one with whom you feel able to talk things through.

You may need help to:

 Holy Rood House is known for its professional work with TRAUMA.

We offer a safe place for people of all ages and backgrounds to work through their therapeutic process and discover  a way forward. Our team of counsellors / psychotherapists are all professionally trained and give some of their time each week to help people work through a wide variety of issues.

Holy Rood House is in organisational membership of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). As well as this, counsellors / psychotherapists are individual members of various professional bodies. We are committed to working confidentially and we are not limited to a number of sessions. We can usually offer a counselling appointment within a few weeks. We  are committed to offering our service to all regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ethnic or cultural background and to people of any faith or none.

As a Service we adhere to the BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice. All our team are under regular supervision and have a commitment to continuing professional development.

If you would like to access our counselling service, the first step is to contact the office on enquiries@holyroodhouse.org.uk or telephone 01845 522580, and to please complete the following application form Application Form for Counselling.  This form will show the information we need in order to help you. Our Clinical Manager will then decide which of our team would suit you best. She will then arrange the first counselling appointment.

We ask for a donation for all counselling sessions depending on income, varying from £30 - £60 per session. If this is difficult for you please speak with our Director, Sue Hammersley.

 was at the edge. Holy Rood House gave me time and space to step back from the edge…

Thank you all for ‘holding me’ safely as I took steps forward on the journey…

Thanks for believing in me, when I could not believe in myself.


If you need immediate help, e.g. in a crisis, we recommend you contact Samaritans 116 123.