
Holy Rood House

Time and Space to read, study and reflect

Introducing the Library at Juliet House

The library is an excellent resource for our guests to relax in and find just the right book at the right time.

It is also a rich resource for people who want to dig deeper into the therapeutic or theological world. Students, ordinands, health workers, clergy, social workers and carers will all find books to support their work and interest. These books can be borrowed, or you may choose to spend time in the library for a day of study or a couple of hours when you catch the moment.

Another special resource we offer is the possibility of talking issues and interests through with someone from the community. Our therapists and theologians are usually around, and sometimes we can catch the moment, and at other times we can make a particular time to meet with you.

Holy Rood House and Juliet House both provide just what is needed for a sabbatical.  We seek to respond to your particular requirements, because we find everyone is looking for their own way of using this time and opportunity.

The following reflection from a guest expresses something of the importance of the library:

Thank you very much for a wonderful couple of days; it has done me the world of good, especially           my experience of the magical library you have at Juliet House. I have found sitting in that quiet           space, dipping in and out of books, to be the most satisfactory way of spending time!

          Away from my normal busy environment full of things that need to be done and boxes that need to           be ticked, I have really appreciated the luxury of reading in detail, browsing and flicking through a           whole array of fascinating books.

          Energy follows thought, and it seems that room full of thought provoking books is full of the most           peaceful but enlivening energy possible, and I feel very lucky to have had the chance to sit there           and read.

          Whoever said theology and Christianity were closed topics, disconnected from the world in a           vacuum, should come and marvel at just how easy it is to get from psychotherapy to ecology to           feminism to ancient history and so on, with theology and Christianity as the guides.

In addition to the library at Juliet House, we have a library of liturgical resources on the way to the chapel in Holy Rood House.

Our chaplains are around to talk with you about the resources in the library and arrangements for borrowing the books, and for any form of spiritual accompaniment.

We are currently looking to build up the volunteer library team.  Please contact The Revd Sibylle Batten, our Co-ordinating Chaplain at enquiries@holyroodhouse.org.uk for all library enquiries.